Class-based API

AutoGOAL's class-based API allows to automatically find optimal instances of complex objects in user-defined class hierarchies that solve a given task. A task is simply some method that evaluates an object's performance. The solution space is defined by a class hierarchy and all possible ways of combining instances of different types, and creating them with different parameters.


The following code requires sklearn dependencies. Read the dependencies section for more information.

For example, suppose we want to build the best possible classifier in scikit-learn for a given dataset. Let's begin with a simple classification problem.

from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

We use make_classification to create a toy classification problem.

X, y = make_classification(random_state=0)  # Fixed seed for reproducibility

One first idea is to use a specific algorithm, such as Logistic Regression, to solve this problem. Since the nature of these problems is stochastic, we need to train in one subset, test on another, and perform a sensible number of evaluations to actually know if this is any good.

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

def evaluate(estimator, iters=30):
    scores = []

    for i in range(iters):
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25), y_train)
        scores.append(estimator.score(X_test, y_test))

    return sum(scores) / len(scores)

lr = LogisticRegression()
score = evaluate(lr)  # around 0.83
print(score)  # :hide:

So far so good, but maybe we could do better with a different set of parameters. Logistic regression has at least two parameters that influence heavily its performance: the penalty function and the regularization strength.

Instead of writing a loop through a bunch of different parameters, we can use AutoGOAL to automatically explore the space of possible combinations. We can do this with the class-based API by providing annotations for the parameters we want to explore.

Trying multiple logistic regressions

First we import some annotation types from AutoGOAL

from autogoal.grammar import ContinuousValue, CategoricalValue

Next we annotate the parameters we want to explore. Since we cannot modify the class LogisticRegression we will inherit from it.

class LR(LogisticRegression):
    def __init__(
        self, penalty: CategoricalValue("l1", "l2"), C: ContinuousValue(0.1, 10)
        super().__init__(penalty=penalty, C=C, solver="liblinear")

The penalty: Categorical("l1", "l2") annotation tells AutoGOAL that for this class the parameter penalty can take values from a list of predefined values. Likewise the C: Continuous(0.1, 10) annotation indicates that the parameter C can take a float value in a specified range.

Now we will use AutoGOAL to automatically generate different instances of our LR class. With the class-based API we achieve this by building a context-free grammar that describes all possible instances.

from autogoal.grammar import generate_cfg

grammar = generate_cfg(LR)
<LR>         := LR (penalty=<LR_penalty>, C=<LR_C>)
<LR_penalty> := categorical (options=['l1', 'l2'])
<LR_C>       := continuous (min=0.1, max=10)

As you can see, this grammar describes the set of all possible instances of LR by describing how to call the constructor, and how to generate random values for its parameters.


Formally, this a called a Context-free grammar. They are used in Computer Science to describe formal languages, such as programming languages, mathematical expresions, etc. Context-free grammars work by describing a set of replacement rules that you can apply recursively to construct a string of a specific language. In this case we are using grammars to describe the language of all possible Python codes that instantiates an LR. You can read more in Wikipedia.

You can use this grammar to generate a bunch of random instances.

for _ in range(5):
LR(C=4.015231900472649, penalty='l2')
LR(C=9.556786605505499, penalty='l2')
LR(C=4.05716261883461, penalty='l1')
LR(C=3.2786487445120858, penalty='l1')
LR(C=4.655510386502897, penalty='l2')

Now we can search for the best combination of constructor parameters by trying a bunch of different instances and see which one obtains the best score. AutoGOAL also has tools for automating this process.

from import RandomSearch

search = RandomSearch(grammar, evaluate, random_state=0)  # Fixed seed
best, score =

print("Best:", best, "\nScore:", score)

The RandomSearch will try 100 different random instances, and for each one run the evaluate method we defined earlier. It returns the best one and the corresponding score.

Best: LR(C=0.7043201482743121, penalty='l1')
Score: 0.8853333333333337

So we can do a little bit better by carefully selecting the right parameters. However, maybe we can do even better.

Trying different algorithms

To continue this line of thought, maybe we could do better with a different classifier. We could try decision trees, support vector machines, naive bayes, and many more. Here is the first time AutoGOAL can come to our aid. Instead of writing ourselves a loop through all the possible classes, we can do the following.

First, we import everything we need.

from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB

Now that we have all the classes we want to try, we have to tell AutoGOAL that there is something to optimize. We start by defining a space of possible parameters that we want to tune for each of these classes. Like with LR, we will wrap these classes in our own to provide the corresponding annotations.

class SVM(SVC):
    def __init__(
        kernel: CategoricalValue("rbf", "linear", "poly"),
        C: ContinuousValue(0.1, 10),
        super().__init__(C=C, kernel=kernel)

class DT(DecisionTreeClassifier):
    def __init__(self, criterion: CategoricalValue("gini", "entropy")):

class NB(GaussianNB):
    def __init__(self, var_smoothing: ContinuousValue(1e-10, 0.1)):

Next, we use AutoGOAL to construct a grammar for the union of the possible instances of each of these clases.

from autogoal.grammar import Union
from autogoal.grammar import generate_cfg

grammar = generate_cfg(Union("Classifier", LR, SVM, NB, DT))


The method generate_cfg works not only with annotated classes but also with plain methods, or anything that has a __call__ and suitable annotations.

This grammar defines all possible ways to obtain a Classifier, which is basically by instantiating one of the classes we gave it with a suitable value for each parameter. We can test it by generating a few of them.

<Classifier>       := <LR> | <SVM> | <NB> | <DT>
<LR>               := LR (penalty=<LR_penalty>, C=<LR_C>)
<LR_penalty>       := categorical (options=['l1', 'l2'])
<LR_C>             := continuous (min=0.1, max=10)
<SVM>              := SVM (kernel=<SVM_kernel>, C=<SVM_C>)
<SVM_kernel>       := categorical (options=['rbf', 'linear', 'poly'])
<SVM_C>            := continuous (min=0.1, max=10)
<NB>               := NB (var_smoothing=<NB_var_smoothing>)
<NB_var_smoothing> := continuous (min=1e-10, max=0.1)
<DT>               := DT (criterion=<DT_criterion>)
<DT_criterion>     := categorical (options=['gini', 'entropy'])


The constructor for Union requires as first parameter a name so that in the grammar a suitable production can be defined. Think of it as the name of an abstract class that groups all your classes, just there is no actual type ever created, it's just for organizational purposes.

for _ in range(5):
SVM(C=3.2914771222720116, kernel='rbf')
LR(C=7.809744923904822, penalty='l1')

Now that we have a bunch of possible algorithms, let's see which one is best.

search = RandomSearch(grammar, evaluate, random_state=0)
best, score =

print("Best:", best, "\nScore:", score)
Best: NB(var_smoothing=0.08450775758264377)
Score: 0.8840000000000003

So it doesn't really seem that we can do much better, which is unsurprising given that we are only doing a random search (there are better search methods in AutoGOAL), and this is a toy problem which basically any algorithm can solve fairly well.

However, to continue with the example, now that we know how to optimize any given grammar, what is interesting is can we increase the complexity of our pipeline by adding more and more layers and steps to it, to solve more challenging problems.

Adding more steps

To illustrate how to build more complex pipelines, let's change our focus to a bit more challenging problem: sentiment analysis. We will use the ultra-know movie reviews corpus as a testbed in the next few examples.

from autogoal.datasets import movie_reviews

To solve sentiment analysis we need to add a step before the actual classification in order to get feature matrices from text. The simplest solution is to use a vectorizer from scikit-learn. There are two options to choose from.

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

The CountVectorizer class has many parameters that we might want to tune, but in this example we are interested only in trying different n-gram combinations. Hence, we will wrap CountVectorizer in our own Count class, and redefine its constructor to receive an ngram parameter. We annotate this parameter with :Discrete(1,3) to indicate that the possible values are integers in the interval [1,3].

from autogoal.grammar import DiscreteValue

class Count(CountVectorizer):
    def __init__(self, ngram: DiscreteValue(1, 3)):
        super().__init__(ngram_range=(1, ngram))
        self.ngram = ngram


The reason why we store ngram in the __init__() method is for documentation purposes, so that when we call print() we get to see the actual parameters that where selected. This works automatically for parameters that are named exactly as sklearn parameters, because their __repr__ takes care, but for parameters which we introduce we need to store them in the instance so that __repr__ works.

Now we will do the same with the TfIdfVectorizer class, but this time we also want to explore automatically whether enabling or disabling use_idf is better. We will use the Boolean annotation in this case.

from autogoal.grammar import BooleanValue

class TfIdf(TfidfVectorizer):
    def __init__(self, ngram: DiscreteValue(1, 3), use_idf: BooleanValue()):
        super().__init__(ngram_range=(1, ngram), use_idf=use_idf)
        self.ngram = ngram

Besides vectorization, another common step in NLP pipelines is dimensionality reduction. For dimensionality reduction, we want to either use singular value decomposition, or nothing at all. The implementation of TruncatedSVD is suitable here because it provides a fast and scalable approximation to SVDs when dealing with spare matrices. As before, we want to parameterize the end dimension, so we will use :Discrete(50,200), i.e., if we reduce at all, reduce between 50 and 200 dimensions. We will use the Discrete annotation in this case.

from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD

class SVD(TruncatedSVD):
    def __init__(self, n: DiscreteValue(50, 200)):
        self.n = n

To disable dimensionality reduction in some pipelines, it's not correct to simply pass a None object. That would raise an exception. Instead, we make use of the Null Object design pattern and provide a "no-op" implementation that simply passes through the values.

class Noop:
    def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
        return X

    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        return X

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Noop()"


Technically, we could use "passtrough" as an argument to the Pipeline class that we will use below and achieve the same result. However, this approach is more general and clean, since it doesn't rely on the underlying API providing us with an implementation of the Null Object pattern.

Now that we have all of the necessary classes with their corresponding parameters correctly annotated, it's time to put it all together into a pipeline. We will inherit from sklearn's own implementation of Pipeline, because we want to fix the actual steps that are gonna be used.

Just as before, out initializer declares the parameters. In this case, we want a vectorizer, a decomposer and a classifier. To tell autogoal to try different classes for the same parameter we use the Union annotation. Likewise, just as before, we have to call the base initializer, this time passing the corresponding configuration for an sklearn pipeline.

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline as _Pipeline

class Pipeline(_Pipeline):
    def __init__(
        vectorizer: Union("Vectorizer", Count, TfIdf),
        decomposer: Union("Decomposer", Noop, SVD),
        classifier: Union("Classifier", LR, SVM, DT, NB),
        self.vectorizer = vectorizer
        self.decomposer = decomposer
        self.classifier = classifier

            [("vec", vectorizer), ("dec", decomposer), ("cls", classifier),]

Once everything is in place, we can tell autogoal to automatically infer a grammar for all the possible combinations of parameters and clases that we can use. The root of our grammar is the Pipeline class we just defined. The method generate_cfg does exactly that, taking a class and building a context free grammar to construct that class, based on the parameters' annotations and recursively building the corresponding rules for all classes down to basic parameter types.

grammar = generate_cfg(Pipeline)

Notice how the grammar specifies all the possible ways to build a Pipeline, both considering the different implementations we have for vectorizers, decomposers and classifiers; as well as their corresponding parameters. Our grammar is fairly simple because we only have two levels of recursion, Pipeline and its parameters; but this same process can be applied to any hierarchy of any complexity, including circular references.

<Pipeline>         := Pipeline (vectorizer=<Vectorizer>, decomposer=<Decomposer>, classifier=<Classifier>)
<Vectorizer>       := <Count> | <TfIdf>
<Count>            := Count (ngram=<Count_ngram>)
<Count_ngram>      := discrete (min=1, max=3)
<TfIdf>            := TfIdf (ngram=<TfIdf_ngram>, use_idf=<TfIdf_use_idf>)
<TfIdf_ngram>      := discrete (min=1, max=3)
<TfIdf_use_idf>    := boolean ()
<Decomposer>       := <Noop> | <SVD>
<Noop>             := Noop ()
<SVD>              := SVD (n=<SVD_n>)
<SVD_n>            := discrete (min=50, max=200)
<Classifier>       := <LR> | <SVM> | <DT> | <NB>
<LR>               := LR (penalty=<LR_penalty>, C=<LR_C>)
<LR_penalty>       := categorical (options=['l1', 'l2'])
<LR_C>             := continuous (min=0.1, max=10)
<SVM>              := SVM (kernel=<SVM_kernel>, C=<SVM_C>)
<SVM_kernel>       := categorical (options=['rbf', 'linear', 'poly'])
<SVM_C>            := continuous (min=0.1, max=10)
<DT>               := DT (criterion=<DT_criterion>)
<DT_criterion>     := categorical (options=['gini', 'entropy'])
<NB>               := NB (var_smoothing=<NB_var_smoothing>)
<NB_var_smoothing> := continuous (min=1e-10, max=0.1)

Now we can start to see the power of the class-based API. Just with a few annotations in the same classes that we anyway have to write, we automatically obtain a computational representation (a grammar) that knows how to build infinitely many of these instances. Futhermore, this works with any level of complexity, whether our classes receive simple arguments (such as integers, floats, strings) or instances of other classes, and so on.

Let's take a look at how different pipelines can be generated with this grammar by sampling 10 random pipelines.

for _ in range(10):

You should see something like this, but your exact pipelines will be different due to random sampling.

Pipeline(classifier=SVM(C=4.09762837283166, kernel='rbf'), decomposer=Noop(),
Pipeline(classifier=DT(criterion='entropy'), decomposer=Noop(),
Pipeline(classifier=LR(C=5.309978916527087, penalty='l2'), decomposer=Noop(),
Pipeline(classifier=LR(C=9.776994352626533, penalty='l1'), decomposer=Noop(),
         vectorizer=TfIdf(ngram=2, use_idf=True))
Pipeline(classifier=SVM(C=5.973033047496386, kernel='rbf'),
         decomposer=SVD(n=197), vectorizer=Count(ngram=3))
         decomposer=SVD(n=183), vectorizer=TfIdf(ngram=3, use_idf=False))
Pipeline(classifier=DT(criterion='entropy'), decomposer=SVD(n=144),
         vectorizer=TfIdf(ngram=1, use_idf=True))
Pipeline(classifier=SVM(C=6.052775609636756, kernel='poly'),
         decomposer=SVD(n=160), vectorizer=TfIdf(ngram=1, use_idf=True))
Pipeline(classifier=DT(criterion='entropy'), decomposer=Noop(),
Pipeline(classifier=DT(criterion='entropy'), decomposer=Noop(),
         vectorizer=TfIdf(ngram=3, use_idf=True))

Finding the best pipeline

To continue with the example, we will now search for the best pipeline. We will evaluate our pipelines on the movie_reviews corpus. For that purpose we need a fitness function, which is a simple callable that takes a pipeline and outputs a score. Fortunately, the movie_reviews.make_fn function does this for us, taking care of train/test splitting, fitting a pipeline in the training set and computing the accuracy on the test set.

fitness_fn = movie_reviews.make_fn(examples=100)

The RandomSearch strategy simply calls grammar.sample() a bunch of times and stores the best performing pipeline. It has no intelligence whatsoever, but it serves as a good baseline implementation.

We will run it for a total of 1000 fitness evaluations, or equivalently, a total of 1000 different random pipelines.

random_search = RandomSearch(grammar, fitness_fn, random_state=0)
best, score =


For reproducibility purposes we can pass a fixed random seed in random_state.

Final remarks

We only used scikit-learn here for illustrative purposes, but you can apply this strategy to any problem whose solution consists of exploring a large space of complex class instances interrelated with each other.

Also, in this example we have manually written wrappers for scikit-learn classes to provide the necessary annotations. However, specifically for scikit-learn, we already provide a bunch of wrappers with suitable annotations in autogoal.contrib.sklearn.

We also only use RandomSearch in this example because the focus is on defining the pipelines. However, the namespace contains other search strategies that perform much better than plain random sampling.